Differential cross sections for the reactions £p-*7r + 7r~ and])p-*K + K~ have been measured in the angular region 0.65£ lcos# c#m . I< 1.0 at 13 momenta between 0.7 and 2.4 GeV/c. These cross sections have been combined with those of Fong et al. for |cos0 Ce m# & 0.70 to give complete folded angular distributions. The data are consistent with resonances in the J=3 and J=5 states.In this and the following Letter we report on the differential cross sections for the annihilation of antiprotons by protons into two-pion and two-kaon final states in the momentum interval from 0.7 to 2.4 GeV/c. The angular region covered was 0.65 ~|cos0 cm# |< 1.0, where the signs of the two particles in the final state were distinguished only for the region 0.85S|cos# c m J< 1.0. These data have been combined with the results from a previous California Institute of TechnologyBrookhaven National Laboratory 1 collaboration covering the angular region |cos# c m |5 0.7 to give accurate folded [da/dQ{e Cmm )+d