Being able to measure the polarization of quarks produced in various processes at the LHC would be of fundamental significance. Measuring the polarizations of quarks produced in new physics processes, once discovered, can provide crucial information about the new physics Lagrangian. In a series of recent papers, we have investigated how quark polarization measurements can be done in practice. The polarizations of heavy quarks (b and c) are expected to be largely preserved in the lightest baryons they hadronize into, the Λ b and Λ c , respectively. Furthermore, it is known experimentally that s-quark polarization is preserved as well, in Λ baryons. We study how ATLAS and CMS can measure polarizations of b, c and s quarks using certain decays of these baryons. We propose to use the Standard Model tt and W c samples to calibrate these measurements. We estimate that the Run 2 dataset will suffice for measuring the quark polarizations in these Standard Model samples with precisions of order 10%. We also propose various additional measurements for the near and far future that would help characterize the polarization transfer from the quarks to the baryons.