All leptons, quarks, and gauge bosons can be placed in the periodic table of elementary particles. As the periodic table of elements derived from atomic orbital, the periodic table of elementary particles is derived from the two sets of seven orbitals: principal dimensional orbital and auxiliary dimensional orbital. (Seven orbitals come indirectly from the seven extra dimensions in eleven-dimensional space-time.) Principal dimensional orbital derived from varying space-time dimension, varying speed of light, and varying supersymmetry explains gauge bosons and low-mass leptons. Auxiliary dimensional orbital derived from principal dimensional orbital accounts for high-mass leptons and individual quarks. For hadrons as the composites of individual quarks, hadronic dimensional orbital derived from auxiliary dimensional orbital is responsible. These three sets of seven orbitals explain all elementary particles and hadrons. QCD, essentially, describes the different occupations of quarks in the three sets of seven orbitals at different temperatures. The periodic table of elementary particles and the compositions of hadrons relate to the Barut lepton mass formula, the Polazzi mass formula for stable hadrons, and the MacGregor-Akers constituent quark model. The calculated masses for elementary particles and hadrons are in good agreement with the observed masses. For examples, the calculated masses for the top quark, neutron, and pion are 176.5 GeV, 939.54MeV, and 135.01MeV in excellent agreement with the observed masses, 174.3 ± 5.1GeV, 939.57 MeV, and 134.98 MeV, respectively.