There exists two distinct off-shell N = 2 supergravities in three dimensions. They are also referred to as N = (1, 1) and N = (2, 0) supergravities, and they arise from the coupling of the Weyl multiplet to a compensating scalar or vector multiplet, respectively, followed by fixing of conformal symmetries. The N = (p, q) terminology refers to the underlying anti-de Sitter superalgebras OSp(2, p)⊕OSp(2, q) with R-symmetry group SO(p) × SO(q). We construct off-shell invariants of these theories up to fourth order in derivatives. As an application of these results, we determine the special combinations of the N = (1, 1) invariants that admit anti-de Sitter vacuum solution about which there is a ghost-free massive spin-2 multiplet of propagating modes. We also show that the N = (2, 0) invariants do not allow such possibility.