Nonspecific cutaneous lesions in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are morphologically varied (Table 7.1). Some lesions, such as urticarial-like vasculitis and livedo reticularis, are reflective of potentially serious complications. Others, however, such as hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation and dermal mucinosis, have no prognostic significance.
VasculitisVasculitis is probably the most common nonspecific cutaneous lesion occurring in patients with SLE. Frequencies have varied from 20% to 70% (Dubois and Tuffanelli 1964, Estes and Christian 1971, Pistiner et al. 1991). Our experience with 150 patients with SLE reported a 27% frequency (Hochberg et al. 1985). Although the cutaneous manifestations of vasculitis can vary from urticarial-like lesions to deep ulcerations, CHAPTER 7