This article describes the causes of vascular abnormality of the upper urinary tract, arteriovenous malformation of the kidneys, its variants, possible clinical manifestations, methods of diagnosis of this condition, as well as ways to eliminate hemorrhagic complications caused by this pathology. The main method of correction of arteriovenous malformation is superselective embolization of vessels of the malformation zone. This clinical example presents a rare case of surgery in which embolization was unacceptable due to technical difficulties associated with the complexity of vascular angioarchitectonics, with the impossibility of superselective entry into varix through the arterial channel. In this regard, endovascular surgeons and urologists had to use a combined approach – percutaneous varix puncture with the introduction of a spiral and an embolizing substance through a puncture needle under the control of selective angiography of the branches of the renal artery.