Mobile edge cache (MEC)-enabled air-to-ground integrated Internet of Vehicles (IoV) technology can solve wireless network backhaul congestion and high latency, but security problems such as eavesdropping are often ignored when designing cache strategies. In this paper, we propose a joint design of cache strategy and physical layer transmission to improve the security offloading ratio of MEC-enabled air-to-ground IoV. By using the random geometry theory and Laplace transform, we derive the closed-form expression of the network security offloading ratio, which is defined as the probability that the request vehicle (RV) successfully finds the required file around it and obtains the file with a data rate larger than a given threshold. During the file acquisition process, we collectively consider the impact of the successful connection and secure transmission in the vehicle wireless communication. Then, we establish an optimization problem for maximizing the network security offloading ratio, in which the cache strategy and the secure transmission rate are jointly optimized. Furthermore, we propose an alternating optimization algorithm to solve the joint optimization problem. Simulation experiments verify the correctness of our theoretical derivation, and prove that the proposed cache strategy is superior to other existing cache strategies.