In the last 25 years, the topic of learning strategies has attracted a great deal of interest, quite often to analyse the use first (L1) and second language (L2) learners make of these strategies and how they can be helped to improve strategy knowledge. Although it is true that there has been considerable research on strategies, a smaller number of studies have attempted to explore the strategies that learners use in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) contexts, and even fewer when learning a third language (L3). This article seeks to fill that gap by reporting the findings of an intervention study into reading comprehension among young learners of English as an L3 in a multilingual (Spanish-Basque-English) context in the Basque Country.Research suggests that vocabulary plays a crucial role in learners' FL overall competence and that adult beginners benefit from explicit training in vocabulary acquisition strategies. The present study examines the role of Spanish-English cognates and a technology-based approach in the improvement of learners' lexical knowledge. An experimental and a control ELIA Mon. I, pp. 89-121 DOI: When bilingualism goes beyond one's expectations 90 group from the same adult education centre were recruited for the study. While the control group continued with regular instruction, the experimental group received teaching in cognate awareness as a learning strategy. Along with this training, participants completed a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) focused on the self-study of 1,000 highly frequent English words, among which cognates played a salient role. Both groups completed a vocabulary test before and after the intervention period, with the experimental group significantly outperforming the control group. Therefore, as predicted by previous studies, explicit training in cognates fosters the acquisition of FL lexical competence by assisting the learning of less-proficient students, such as those enrolled in Adult Education. Los adultos suelen considerar el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera (LE) como un objetivo difícil de alcanzar. Este es el caso de alumnos españoles que retoman sus estudios de Educación Secundaria y cursan inglés de manera obligatoria, a pesar de su poco o nulo contacto previo con la LE. Así pues, ni las autoridades educativas ni los profesores apuestan por la implantación de un programa bilingüe al considerar que el éxito de estos alumnos en él sería limitado.Las investigaciones sugieren que el vocabulario juega un papel significativo en la competencia general de una LE y que los adultos noveles se benefician de la formación explícita en estrategias de adquisición de vocabulario. Este estudio examina el papel de los cognados español-inglés y la aplicación de un enfoque tecnológico en la mejora de la competencia léxica. Para el estudio, se tomaron dos grupos del mismo centro de adultos.El grupo experimental recibió instrucción en el reconocimiento de cognados como estrategia de aprendizaje, junto con un curso...