Here, we investigate Bianchi type-V modified f(R,T) gravity cosmological models in Lyra geometry. To acquire the deterministic solution of the field equations with f(R,T) gravity based on Lyra geometry, we consider f(R,T)= f_1 (R)+f_2 (T), R indicates Ricci Scalar, T indicates trace of the energy momentum tensor in Lagrangian matter. Presence of Massive scalar field and Displacement vector of Lyra played an important role. The physical as well as the geometrical nature of the f(R,T) model is also discussed.
In this present model of universe, we obtained that the universe starts with zero volume
As in present observational data like CMB, BAO, La Supernona, our model is accelerating
It is observed that the scalar field and kinetic energy both are non singular
CDM is not satisfied in this model of universe