Abstract. Indoleacetic acid (IAA) and/or inhibitors of DNA, RNA or protein synthesis were added to the apex of decapitated seedlings of Pisum sativum L. var. Alaska. At various times up to 4 days, enzymic protein was extraoted from a segment of epicotyl immediately below the apex and assayed for its ability to hydrolyse polysaccharides or their derivatives. With the exception of am;ylase, the total amounts per segment of all of the tested enzymes increased due to IAA treatment. The development of j3-1,4-glucanase (cellulase) activity per unit of protein or fresh weight proceeded according to a typical sigmoid induction curve. Pectinase was formed for about 2 days in control segments and IAA treatment resulted in continued synthesis for at least another 2 days provided cell division took place. 64,3-glucanase and pectinesterase activities were only enhanced by IAA to the extent that total protein levels increased. Reaction mechanisms for these effects and functions for the enzymes during growth are discussed.One aipproach to the problem of elucidating me,chanisms of hormone-regulated morphogenesis is to search for enzyme activities which increase after hormone treatment, choosing for investigation those enzymes which catalyse rea,dtions that could be essential for growth responises. Thi.s paper reports effects of indoleacetic acid ()IAA) on the activities of 4 pollysaccharidases and an esterase in the apical region o,f the epicotyl of decapitated pea seeddings.Enzymes which hydrolyze wall materials were selected becaulse several IAA-dependent changes in morphology oif the pea epicotyl appear to require a remodeling or loosening of primary wail structure. The hormone causes lateral cell expansion, cell division, disintegration of the walll!s o)f swoLllen cells, lacunae formation, and root generation (9, 27).Dtu,ring these events, there is a rapid and massive net synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein and a partitcularly marked increase in specific activity o-f the enzyme celilulase (8, 9 (8,18). The substrate for 8-1,3-glucanase was derived from a glucan (pachymnan) which contains only /-1,3-linkages (6). Methods for preparing the carboxymethyl derivatives and for assaying its hydrolase were described by Clarke and Stone (5). Pectinase iis so designated in this paper because the viscosimetric assay method (2) does not di,stinguish beitween polygailacturonase and pectin transeliminase (!lyase) activity (1).Amylase acetivity was estimated by measuring the rate of loss of ioidine-comiplexing power oif starch isoluttions (29). The resul-ts could be uIsed to calculate the ralte of formation of reducing groups by assuming that the staroh-iodine color disappears when the chain length falts below 40 anhydroglucose units. With (pea enzyme these calcu-lations gave valuefs for amylase activity which were comparable to direc(t measurements of the rate of production of reducing power (Somogyi method). It i's probable, therefore, that the enzyme was an ce-(endo-) amylase.Pectinesterase activity was measured by the ratte of produc...