We cloned a rat vascular chymase (RVCH) from smooth muscle cells (SMCs) that converts angiotensin I to II and is up-regulated in SMC from spontaneously hypertensive vs. normotensive rats. To determine whether increased activity of RVCH is sufficient to cause hypertension, transgenic mice were generated with targeted conditional expression of RVCH to SMC, with the use of the tetracyclinecontrolled transactivator (tTA). We confirmed conditional expression of RVCH by mRNA, protein, and chymase activity in the absence, but not in the presence, of dietary doxycycline. The systolic blood pressure (mmHg), measured by carotid artery cannulation at 10 -12 weeks of age, was higher in tTA؉͞RVCH؉ mice than in nonbinary transgenic littermates (136 ؎ 4 vs. 109 ؎ 3) (P < 0.05), as were the diastolic and mean pressures. Hypertension was completely reversed by doxycycline, suggesting a causal link with chymase expression. Medial thickening of mesenteric arteries from tTA؉͞RVCH؉ mice vs. littermates (0.82 ؎ 0.1 vs. 0.42 ؎ 0.02) (P < 0.05) was associated with increased SMC proliferation, as judged by positive immunoreactivity, with the use of an antibody to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. These structural changes were prevented by doxycycline. Perfusion myography of mesenteric arteries from tTA؉͞RVCH؉ mice also revealed increased vasoconstriction in response to phenylephrine and impaired metacholine-induced vasodilatation when compared with littermate controls or with the doxycyline-treated group. Our studies suggest that up-regulation of this vascular chymase is sufficient to cause a hypertensive arteriopathy, and that RVCH may be a candidate gene and a therapeutic target in patients with high blood pressure.smooth muscle cells C hymases are serine proteinases that were thought to be produced exclusively by mast cells in blood vessels and the myocardium. These enzymes generate angiotensin (Ang) II in large and resistance vessels (1-3) and in the heart (4) and also can convert big-endothelin-1 to endothelin-1 in vitro (5) and inactivate the vasodilator bradykinin (6). That chymase-dependent Ang II formation can occur in the intact animal is evident from studies in the baboon, where it was shown that Ang-converting enzyme inhibitors could not prevent the hemodynamic response to [Pro11, Da1a12]Ang I, which produces Ang II upon incubation with chymase (7). In addition to blood pressure regulation, both Ang II and endothelin-1 are involved in the stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) growth and proliferation, vascular remodeling, and cardiac hypertrophy (8, 9). Chymases also can influence structural remodeling through their ability to degrade extracellular matrix proteins, including fibronectin and collagen type IV, possibly through activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) (MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-9) (10-12). Chymases also stimulate collagen fibirillogenesis by cleavage of type I procollagen (13).Several studies have provided compelling data to suggest that chymases could play a central role in cardiovascular di...