“…where H = denotes evaluation at H. In order to solve the matching problem, the strategy followed in [20] was as follows: For a suitable spacetime interior to (31) and for the conditions (35) at the boundary, one obtains an explicit solution for R(ρ, T ) which satisfies the wave equation (77) and the constraints (79) and (80), at H. In turn, the remaining Einstein equations (76) and (78) can be seen as providing γ ,ρρ and ψ ,ρρ on H. Since we know data for the exterior metric and its normal derivatives at the boundary, it then follows [20] that a unique ψ exists on a neighbourhood D of H. Since γ H = ψ and γ ,ρ H = ψ ,ρ , once we have ψ, we use a similar argument in (76) to get a unique γ in D.…”