Four slightly hungry pigeons chose between pairs of grains in a Findley concurrent choice procedure. For Condition I, choice involved hemp versus buckwheat; for Condition II, wheat versus buckwheat; and for Condition III, hemp versus wheat. In all conditions, frequency of reinforcement was arranged according to concurrent variable-interval variableinterval schedules. On the assumption that subjects matched their behavior and time distributions to those of reinforcer value, the choice functions obtained in Conditions I and II were transformed to yield estimates of values of hemp and wheat relative to buckwheat. These, in turn, provided predictions about behavior and time allocation in Condition III. In general, the predicted outcomes were close to those actually obtained. The results evidence the effectiveness of matching-based hedonic scales in the prediction of choice between qualitatively different reinforcers.Key words: matching law, food preference, reinforcer quality, concurrent variable-interval schedules, pigeonsIn his well-known assault on learning theories, Skinner (1950) Catania, 1966; de Villiers, in press). An especially prominent example of its use is provided in an experiment by Herrnstein (1961). This study was germinal in the development of a general principle of actionthe matching law (see Herrnstein, 1970Herrnstein, , 1974 ( 1) where B, and B2 represent alternative behaviors (frequencies of a pigeon's responding to two concurrently available response keys) and R1 and R2 the frequencies of reinforcement on VI schedules associated with B, and B2 respectively. (The value of VI schedule represents the arithmetic mean of its several component interreinforcement intervals. Thus, a VI 3-min schedule has an average interreinforcement interval of 3 min.) Equivalence between the ratio of behaviors and that of reinforcement frequencies was designated as "matching". Even though B, and B2 were several-fold larger than R, and R2 in their absolute magnitudes, the equivalence between the ratios was closely preserved over a wide range of conc VI VI pairs. The vitality of this finding is enhanced by the realization that it was quite possible for the ratio of reinforce-335 1976, 26,[335][336][337][338][339][340][341][342][343][344][345][346][347] NUMBER 3 (NOVEMBER)