ZUSAMMENFASSUNGZiel Das Potential der Dritt-Generation Dual-Source CT (DSCT) in der Lungenemboliediagnostik wurde bis dato noch nicht ausführlich untersucht. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Strahlendosisparameter sowie subjektive und objektive Bildqualität des aktuellsten DSCT Scanners im Single-Energy und Dual-Energy (DE) Modus mit einem herkömmlichen pulmonalen Standard CTA Protokoll am 64-Zeilen CT (SSCT) zu vergleichen. This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
Material und Methoden▪ Die Dual-Energy CT bietet potentiell zusätzliche Informationen durch die Erstellung von farbcodierten Jod-Karten.
ABSTR AC TPurpose To compare radiation dose, subjective and objective image quality of 3 rd generation dual-source CT (DSCT) and dual-energy CT (DECT) with conventional 64-slice singlesource CT (SSCT) for pulmonary CTA.Materials and Methods 180 pulmonary CTA studies were performed in three patient cohorts of 60 patients each. Group 1: conventional SSCT 120 kV (ref.); group 2: single-energy DSCT 100 kV (ref.); group 3: DECT 90/Sn150 kV. CTDIvol, DLP, effective radiation dose were reported, and CT attenuation (HU) was measured on three central and peripheral levels. The signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR) were calculated. Two readers assessed subjective image quality according to a five-point scale.Results Mean CTDIvol and DLP were significantly lower in the dual-energy group compared to the SSCT group (p < 0.001 [CTDIvol]; p < 0.001 [DLP]) and the DSCT group (p = 0.003 [CTDIvol]; p = 0.003 [DLP]), respectively. The effective dose in the DECT group was 2.79 ± 0.95 mSv and significantly smaller than in the SSCT group (4.60 ± 1.68 mSv, p < 0.001) and the DSCT group (4.24 ± 2.69 mSv, p = 0.003). The SNR and CNR were significantly higher in the DSCT group (p < 0.001).Subjective image quality did not differ significantly among the three protocols and was rated good to excellent in 75 % (135/180) of cases with an inter-observer agreement of 80 %.Conclusion Dual-energy pulmonary CTA protocols of 3 rd generation dual-source scanners allow for significant reduction of radiation dose while providing excellent image quality and potential additional information by means of perfusion maps.
Key Points:▪ Dual-energy CT with 90/Sn150 kV configuration allows for significant dose reduction in pulmonary CTA. ▪ Subjective image quality was similar among the three evaluated CT-protocols (64-slice SSCT, single-energy DSCT, 90/Sn150 kV DECT) and was rated good to excellent in 75% of cases.