This paper describes a recent formulation regarding a specific class of mythical themes, myths of destruction. A case stud is presented to illustrate how a cultural approach to therapy can r, e used to edit the destructive myth and "unfreeze" the family's stasis.
THE BOY WITH THE GOLDEN EGG INSIDEA boy of fourteen years was brought into a child and adolescent clinic in the municipal health system of Oslo, Norway, accompanied by his mother and stepfather. The family wanted help with the boy who had been involved in theft, sniffing and the use of hard drugs. The boy had been truant from school for a long period of time, and presently, his school attendance had ceased completely. After many attempts at helping the boy, the parents had now come to the conclusion that the boy needed to be placed in an institution where his destructive behavior could be controlled. They did not feel they could handle him at home any longer. The therapist who had been working with the family for some time, felt that he had gotten into a repetitious cycle where good suggestions were ac-Wencke J.