A versatile molecule is described that performs as a nondestructible read-out optical-storage molecular memory. This molecular memory is composed of two distinct molecules that are chemically bonded to each other to form a single molecule with unique properties. One component is a photochromic fulgimide, and the other is a strongly fluorescing oxazine dye. This composite molecule was specifically designed and synthesized to display, under specific conditions, both the photochromic functions of the first component and the fluorescence properties of the dye. To store information, the polar, closed form of the photochromic component is illuminated with 530-nm light, which converts it to the open, nonpolar form. The information is accessed by excitation at the 650-nm band of the oxazine dye component, causing the dye to fluoresce. However, the dye emits intense fluorescence under a nonpolar environment, which is attained only when the fulgimide component is in its open, nonpolar structure. The ultrafast kinetics, spectroscopy, and mechanism of the photoreaction of this molecule and its photoinduced intermediates have been measured, and fluorescence quantum yields and cross sections were determined. V olumetric optical storage by means of two-photon absorption was first proposed in 1989 (1-3). Ever since then the goal has been to design and synthesize materials that are suitable for terabyte removable-storage devices. These devices should be capable of ultrafast parallel access of the stored information, erasable, and proficient in nondestructible read-out. Such 3D volumetric storage devices will satisfy a large number of the storage requirements imposed by telemedicine, high-definition movies, defense, and other applications. Prototype, removable volumetric storage devices have been designed and fabricated commercially (2); however, thus far these have been limited to read-only memory (ROM) and write once read many (WORM). Rewritable optical-storage devices of this type have been hindered by the absence of materials that are capable of erasing and of nondestructive read-outs. In this article we describe a molecular memory that is shown to be capable of terabyte storage that is also capable of erasing and nondestructive read-out. This molecular system is composed of two distinct molecules, a photochromic fulgimide and a strongly fluorescing oxazine dye, that are chemically bonded together to form a single molecule. Experimental data presented here show that this composite molecule continues to exhibit the spectroscopic and photochromic properties of each component. In addition, the change in structure of the photochromic component from polar to nonpolar induces the dye component to fluoresce intensely.Since the original 1989 paper (1) a large number of articles and reviews (4-7) have been published that propose materials that may be used in volumetric optical-storage applications. Lately a number of publications have appeared that discuss possible means for overcoming the destructible read-out problem (8-13); none of...