De la Ingeniería Química a la Tecnología Cerámica: una revisión de la investigación en el Instituto de Tecnología CerámicaEn este artículo se recoge una revision de la investigación realizada en el Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC). La investigación del ITC se basa en la aplicación de los principios de la Ingeniería Química al estudio de: las materias primas, las operaciones unitarias propias de los procesos de fabricación de materials cerámicos, las reacciones químicas que tienen lugar a lo largo de dichos procesos de fabricación, las propiedades de los productos acabados, y otros apectos de los procesos de fabricación relacionados con el campo de la Ingeniería Química.Palabras clave: Ingeniería Química, Tecnología Cerámica, materias primas, operaciones unitarias, ingeniería de la reacción química, producto acabado, medio ambiente.
INTRODUCCIÓNThe Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC) is a mixed institute established by agreement between Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (UJI) and the Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas (AICE), the Ceramic Industry Research Association.ITC's mission is to foster and develop whatever technical activities contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the Spanish ceramic sector, essentially by:1. Research and Development, and Technological Consultancy in response to the needs of the ceramic sector.2. Technology Transfer, applying, assimilating, adapting (whenever required) and implementing technologies from other industrial fields in the ceramic sector.3. Training at different levels: Level 1. Ongoing training of ITC research and technical staff. Staff are kept abreast of the latest technical and scientific advances by attending courses, congresses and technical conferences.Level 2. Disseminating the knowledge gained and generated at ITC towards ceramic technicians in the companies, by delivering monographic courses.Level 3. Teaching the Chemical Engineering degree course at UJI, which specialises in ceramic materials processing.Level 4. Teaching the PhD programme, Chemical Engineering: Ceramic Materials Processing, of the UJI Chemical Engineering Department.4. Technological services, designed to support and assist companies by performing analyses and tests, studying and testing finished products, and providing consulting in quality management, as well as running an information and documentation service for the sector. Of the above lines of work, the present paper deals with the R&D work performed at ITC over the last 35 years. For further information on the other activities, please visit the ITC Web site(1) or see the references(1-4). The focus of ITC's R&D work has been largely determined by the following three fundamental facts:1. Over 270 companies in the Spanish ceramic sector are associated in ITC. These include leading raw materials suppliers, floor and wall tile manufacturers, frit, glaze and pigment producers, and additive suppliers. The industries making up the ceramic sector have witnessed spectacular growth and development in the last 20 years...