Background: When the placenta is implanted partially or completely in the lower uterine segment, it is called placenta previa. Previa is a Latin word means going before. About one-third of APH belongs to placenta previa and now a day’s incidence is increasing in primigravida patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the incidence, risk factors, maternal morbidity, mortality and perinatal outcome in women with placenta previa in a tertiary care center of Jharkhand.Methods: Total 193 cases of placenta previa were studied between September 2018 to August 2019 in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, RIMS, Ranchi with respect to their age, parity, gestational age, clinical presentation, previous history of curettage/hysterotomy/caesarean, ICU admission, need for NICU admission, maternal morbidity and mortality and perinatal outcome.Results: In this study, 1.94% of the deliveries were complicated with placenta previa. 31.6% were above 30 years, 87% were multigravida, 122, i.e.; 62.7% were having history of curettage or previous caesarean or hysterotomy. 49.7% had prior caesarean deliveries, 21.5% had prior abortion with history of D and C. 49.2% had true placenta previa. 68.4% had preterm delivery. 11.9% patients presented in shock and maximum i.e.; 184 (95.3%) out of 193 presented with painless bleeding per vaginum and 9 cases with no complaints. Malpresentation seen in 16.6% cases and 8.3% had adherent placenta previa. There were 45.6% ICU admission and 54.9% NICU admission, 2.5% maternal mortality and 32.6% perinatal mortality.Conclusions: Advanced maternal age, multiparty, scarred uterus as in prior CS or D and C are independent risk factors for placenta previa. Also, it remains a risk factor for adverse maternal and perinatal outcome. The detection of placenta previa and associated adherent placenta should encourage a careful evaluation, timely diagnosis and delivery to reduce associated maternal and perinatal complications.