The COVID19 pandemic raises a major concern about its severity in pregnancy, fetomaternal outcomes and risk of vertical transmission.The Cycle threshold indicating the viral load can be a contributory factor towards modifying the management of such pregnant women. We report a retrospective descriptive study regarding the clinical course, fetomaternal outcomes of pregnant women with COVID19.
This is a single-center, retrospective study performed in a tertiary care hospital for pregnant women with COVID-19 in India. The medical records of the all women who delivered in the Covid facility from May 5th 2020 to June 5th 2020 were reviewed independently. Data extracted from the records included demography, obstetric details, co morbidities, disease severity, investigations, management and information on neonates (birthweight, Apgar score, and perinatal complications).Statistical analysis was performed by the SPSS program for Windows, version 17.0(SPSS, Chicago, Illinois)
Amongst 348 women(suspects) tested for SARS-CoV-2, 57 women ( 57/348,16.3%) were confirmed positive based on qRT-PCR of nasopharyngeal specimen. Most women (45 /78.9 %) had mild infection with favourable fetomaternal outcomes. Three maternal mortalities were associated with co morbidities. Five neonates tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, remained haemodynamically stable and were subsequently discharged.
Majority of pregnant women with Covid-19 had mild disease and recovered subsequently with good perinatal outcomes. Women with co morbidities may have increased risk of severe morbidity and mortality.The Cycle threshold signifying the viral load and degree of infectivity can modify the management during pregnancy.Long-term outcomes and the potential mother-to-child vertical/horizontal transmission needs further study.