In species with biparental care, there is sexual conflict as each parent is under selection to minimize its personal effort by shifting as much as possible of the workload over to the other parent. Most theoretical and empirical work on the resolution of this conflict has focused on strategies used by both parents, such as negotiation. However, because females produce the eggs, this might afford females with an ability to manipulate male behavior via maternal effects that alter offspring phenotypes. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated the prenatal conditions (i.e., presence or absence of the male), performed a cross-fostering experiment, and monitored the subsequent effects of prenatal conditions on offspring and parental performance in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. We found that offspring were smaller at hatching when females laid eggs in presence of a male, suggesting that females invest less in eggs when expecting male assistance. Furthermore, broods laid in the presence of a male gained more weight during parental care, and they did so at the expense of male weight gain. Contrary to our expectations, males cared less for broods laid in the presence of a male. Our results provide experimental evidence that females can alter male behavior during breeding by adjusting maternal effects according to prenatal conditions. However, rather than increasing the male's parental effort, females appeared to suppress the male's food consumption, thereby leaving more food for their consumption | manipulation | maternal effects | parental care | sexual conflict I n species where parents cooperate to care for their joint offspring (as long as there is scope for divorce and/or remating following the partner's death), there will be sexual conflict over parental care, with each parent being under selection to minimize its own effort and shift as much as possible of the workload to its partner (1). Previous empirical and theoretical work has focused mainly on three behavioral mechanisms that may mediate the resolution of this conflict (1, 2). First, incomplete compensation, or negotiation, occurs when each parent increases its level of care in response to a reduction in its partner's contribution, but such that it does not fully correspond to its partner's reduction (3). Second, matching occurs when each parent adjusts its level of care to its partner's contribution by matching any increase or reduction in its partner's contribution in the same direction as its partner (4). Third, sealed bid models assume that each parent makes an initial fixed decision about how much care to provide irrespective of its partner's decision (5). There is some support for all three mechanisms from experimental studies on birds and other taxa (6-8); however, a meta-analysis of mate removal and handicapping experiments on birds found the greatest overall support for negotiation (2).Our current understanding of the resolution of sexual conflict suggest that males and females use the same behavioral strategies for resolving...