Introduction Pregnancy can cause various physical and physiological changes. It affects confidence, resulting in depression and disturbing health not only for a mother but also for her fetus. These will also determine the ability of the mother to take care of her baby after delivery. Objectives To analyze the husband's contributions to stimulate the wife's confidence in experiencing role transition. Methods This research used a quantitative method with a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted in Central Java. There were 150 respondents of pregnant mothers. The variables of this study were the husband's factors and the wife's self-confidence, which were collected by demographic questionnaire and spiritual well-being scale questionnaire (SWBS) with a total sampling technique. The data were analyzed using a multinominal regression Test. Results Husbands were 58% at the age of early adult (26–35 years old), 76% graduating from secondary school level, 61.3% working as private employees, and 70% well supporting their wives. Most respondents (48.7%) had good self-confidence shown by the relationship of all husband's characteristics covering age, education, occupation, and support with the wife's self-confidence in facing role transition and had a value of <0.05. Conclusion The husband's age in a productive period with a good husband's education and occupation level could make the husband have mature thoughts, and he can calm his wife based on correct knowledge so that the wife is not worried about facing them and feels confident. Nurses can motivate and educate husbands to always provide support to their wives in facing pregnancy.