Maternity (family) capital (hereinafter referred to as M(F)C) is a certain amount of funds allocated to families with children from the state budget with the goal of creating conditions providing families with children with The article analyzes the theoretical and practical issues of the development of the M(F)C program, the statistics of Rosstat, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, characterizing M(F)C. The article is divided into two parts due to its large volume. The first part of the article explores the conceptual and applied aspects of the origin and development of the M(F)C program. The genesis of the idea of maternal capital and the path from idea to bill is considered. The baseline parameters, such as the size of the capital, the period of action, the directions of use and the conditions governing access to funds M(F)C are analyzed. The second part shows how the initial parameters were adjusted: the extension of the period of action, the reduction of the period preceding the possibility of use, the clarification of the rules of documentation of the right to M(F)C, the removal of unnecessary administrative barriers for filing and consideration of applications, improving the conditions of use by adding new directions. The statistics of M(F)C, changes in the direction of its use and expenditures on these areas are analyzed. Proposals are presented to develop the M(F)C program, to expand its use to better support families with children