So far the spectra E n (N ) of the paradigm model of complex PT(Parity-Time)-symmetric potential V BB (x, N ) = −(ix) N is known to be analytically continued for N > 4. Consequently, the well known eigenvalues of the Hermitian cases (N = 6, 10) cannot be recovered. Here, we illustrate Kato's theorem that even if a Hamiltonian H(λ) is an analytic function of a real parameter λ, its eigenvalues E n (λ) may not be analytic at finite number of Isolated Points (IPs). In this light, we present the Dirichlet spectra E n (N ) of V BB (x, N ) for 2 ≤ N < 12 using the numerical integration of Schrödinger equation with ψ(x = ±∞) = 0 and the diagonalization of H = p 2 /2µ + V BB (x, N ) in the harmonic oscillator basis. We show that these real discrete spectra are consistent with the most simple two-turning point CWKB (C refers to complex turning points) method provided we choose the maximal turning points (MxTP) [−a + ib, a + ib, a, b ∈ R] such that |a| is the largest for a given energy among all (multiple) turning points. We find that E n (N ) are continuous function of N but non-analytic (their first derivative is discontinuous) at IPs N = 4, 8; where the Dirichlet spectrum is null (as V BB becomes a Hermitian flat-top potential barrier). At N = 6 and 10, V BB (x, N ) becomes a Hermitian well and we recover its well known eigenvalues. * Electronic address:,, 3