Since Carnahan and Starling (1 969) formulated their hard-sphere equation of state, it has been used as the model of repulsion behavior in different equations of state. Carnahan and Starling (1972) showed the advantages of using their hard-sphere equation as the repulsion term in the van Since the development of the SPHCT equation of state, it was the subject of several research projects, i.e., Peters et al. In spite of the wide usage of the Carnahan and Starling (1969) equation of state, it suffers from the shortcoming associated with the close-packed limit. In fact, like many other hard-sphere equations of state proposed in the literature, the Carnahan and Starling ( 1 969) equation of state fails to satisfy the close-packed limit by predicting a finite value at this limit. Iglesias-Silva and Hall (1994) and Khoshkbarchi and Vera (1 997) attempted to solve this deficiency by introducing new hardsphere equations of state. Although the introduced hard-sphere equations of state satisfy the close-packed limit and show the same accuracy as the Carnahan and Starling ( 1 969) equation of state for low and moderate reduced densities, they are relatively complex. They are polynomial ratios with different orders in the numerator and denominator.This work introduces a new non-attracting hard-sphere equation of state. It satisfies the ideal gas and close-packed limits. It is, however, simpler than the expression given by Carnahan and Starling (1969