We present a set of inner boundary conditions for the numerical construction of dynamical black hole space-times, when employing a 3+1 constrained evolution scheme and an excision technique. These inner boundary conditions are heuristically motivated by the dynamical trapping horizon framework and are enforced in an elliptic subsystem of the full Einstein equation. In the stationary limit they reduce to existing isolated horizon boundary conditions. A characteristic analysis completes the discussion of inner boundary conditions for the radiative modes.PACS numbers: 04.25. Dm, 04.70.Bw, 02.60.Lj General problem. The aim of this report is to discuss a set of inner boundary conditions (BC) for dynamical evolutions of black hole spacetimes using an excision technique. These BCs are derived in the context of the dynamical trapping horizon framework [1,2,3,4]. In parallel with the recent black hole numerical studies based on free evolution schemes, which have led to the successful simulations of binary black hole coalescence through the merger phase (see e.g. [5] for extensive references), a 3+1 scheme for a fully-constrained evolution of Einstein equation has been presented in Ref. [6]. This approach maximizes the number of elliptic equations to be solved during the evolution, resulting in a coupled elliptic-hyperbolic PDE system [7]. Spectral methods [8] are then employed both to solve the elliptic subsystem and to handle the spatial part of the relevant hyperbolic operators. We deal with the black hole singularity by means of the excision technique. This raises the question about the appropriate choice of inner BCs on the excised sphere, both for the elliptic and the hyperbolic parts of the system. Regarding the hyperbolic equations, this inner boundary issue is intimally related to the metric type of the world-tube hypersurface generated by the time evolution of the excision sphere. As observed in Ref. [9], certain choices for the excision surface render this excision hypersurface partially time-like, leading to ill-posedness if inconsistent BCs are supplied for the radiative modes. A solution to this problem is suggested by the quasi-local approach to the evolution of black hole horizons, embodied in the dynamical trapping horizon framework (see review articles [3,4] and also Ref. [10]). This formalism motivates a natural geometric choice for the excision surface. The basic underlying idea goes back to Eardley's work [11] and consists in modeling the black hole horizons by * Electronic address: jarama@iaa.es † Electronic address: eric.gourgoulhon@obspm.fr ‡ Electronic address: Isabel.Cordero@uv.es § Electronic address: Jose.M.Ibanez@uv.es S 2 × R world-tubes sliced by apparent horizons, that satisfy certain additional conditions guaranteeing the physical growth of the horizon area (see below). On the one hand, apparent horizons at each given 3-slice of the time evolution provide non-ambiguous geometric choices for the excision sphere that are guaranteed to lay inside the event horizon, and therefore are causal...