The relevance of research in the field of environmental protection, ensuring the environmental safety of the life support of settlements, incl. construction and urban economy, as well as energy and resource saving, rational, eco-nomical, careful use of natural resources is predetermined by the modern course of the Russian state and society to-wards sustainable socio-economic development. The purpose of this study was the formation of necessary and suffi-cient conditions, predictive parameters and indicators of the transition of the life support system of technosphere ter-ritories to a resource-saving technological mode of environmentally safe life. To achieve this goal, for the first time the methods of logical and mathematical analysis were applied, which, according to the author's intention, implement the function of transition from the managerial and organizational and technical formulation of the problem to its mathematical formalization. The paper uses a new conceptual author's approach to the identification of technosphere objects not as sources of environmental and sanitary hazard, but as resource and raw material components of the re-production of material goods, taking into account the implementation of the strategic tasks of preserving the non-renewable strategic reserve of natural resources of the Russian Federation, protecting the population, components of natural environment and territories from unfavorable technospheric factors and environmental threats, possible emergency situations of a man-caused nature. Based on the results of the research, the paper solves the problem of logical analysis and forecasting of the parameters of environmentally safe life on the basis of resource-saving princi-ples of re-use of construction and other products that have completed their service life, were in use. The results of the work can be used in the formation of strategies, concepts, programs for sustainable socio-economic, environmental, industrial-technological, scientific and technical development of various sectors of the economy, municipalities and regions based on the transition to a resource-saving technological mode of environmentally safe life support for terri-tories.