The aim of carried out investigations is the analysis of different correction errors circuits of temperature in the moisture transformer with a cylindrical electrode in point of view increasing the measurements accuracy of grain and grain products moisture. Improving the measurement accuracy in the moisture transformer using functionality, constructive manufacturability and linearity of static characteristics ensure methods is realized. At the same time, a multiplier correction circuit, a circuit with a high degree of correction, and an additive logo metric circuit, which can also be used in other capacitive transformers, have been considered. The dependence of the reactive resistance of cylindrical transformer on the bulk materials capacity has been obtained experimentally. It has been shown that the reactive resistance is decreased sharply when the bulk materials capacity reaches the value 2 pF. Further, it is decreasing slowly on the capacity that demonstrates the change of the transformer sensitivity too. The functional dependence of capacity moisture transformer with cylindrical electrode sensitivity on the reactive resistance has been studied. It has been revealed that when the reactive resistance of the cylindrical transformer is growing then its sensitivity is decreasing. The maximal cylindrical transformer sensitivity reaches when the reactive resistance equals to r m =0.5⋅10 4 Ohm which corresponds to maximal change of the bulk materials capacity. The dependence of the cylindrical transformer reliability for bulk materials on the middle working time without failure has been studied. The carried out analysis showed that the reliability of cylindrical transformer is decreasing on the using time and in the initial working exploitation stage of the transformer essential interaction of heating and electric effects in the device leads to decreasing the reliability down to value 0.3.