An overview of the mathematical structure of the three-dimensional (3D) Ising model is given, from the viewpoints of topologic, algebraic and geometric aspects. By analyzing the relations among transfer matrices of the 3D Ising model, Reidemeister moves in the knot theory, Yang-Baxter and tetrahedron equations, the following facts are illustrated for the 3D Ising model: 1) The complexified quaternion basis constructed for the 3D Ising model represents naturally the rotation in a (3 + 1)dimensional space-time, as a relativistic quantum statistical mechanics model, which is consistent with the 4-fold integrand of the partition function by taking the time average. 2) A unitary transformation with a matrix being a spin representation in 2 n⋅l⋅o -space corresponds to a rotation in 2n⋅l⋅o-space, which serves to smooth all the crossings in the transfer matrices and contributes as the non-trivial topologic part of the partition function of the 3D Ising model. 3) A tetrahedron relation would ensure the commutativity of the transfer matrices and the integrability of the 3D Ising model, and its existence is guaranteed also by the Jordan algebra and the Jordan-von Neumann-Wigner procedures. 4) The unitary transformation for smoothing the crossings in the transfer matrices changes the wave functions by complex phases φ x , φ y , and φ z . The relation with quantum field and gauge theories, physical significance of weight factors are discussed in details. The conjectured exact solution is compared with numerical results, and singularities at/near infinite temperature are inspected.The analyticity in β = 1/(k B T) of both the hard-core and Ising models has been proved for β > 0, not for β = 0. Thus the high-temperature series cannot serve as a standard for judging a putative exact solution of the 3D Ising model. 2 in the 4D space to the energy spectrum of the system.After publication of ref. [2] , two rounds of exchanges of Comments / Responses / Rejoinders appeared in 2008-2009. [3-8] The main objections of these Comments and Rejoinders [3,5,6,8] are summarized briefly as follows: The conjectured solution disagrees with low-temperature and high-temperature series, while the convergence of the high-temperature series has been rigorously proved. There are some problems with weight factors w y and w z (such as they are first defined to be real values, but actually can be complex, and the different weights are taken for infinite and finite temperature). There is a technical error in eq. (15) of ref. [2] for the application of the Jordan-Wigner transformation. The main rebuttals in my Responses [4,7] are also summarized briefly here: The objections in the Comments/Rejoinders [3,5,6,8] are limited to the outcome of the calculations and there were no comments on the topology-based approach underlying the derivation. All the well-known theorems for the convergence of the high-temperature series are proved only for β (= 1/k B T) > 0, not for infinite temperature (β = 0). Exactly infinite temperature has been never touched in these the...