The green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis, is a polyphagous pest of grapevine and tea plants. To date population density is controlled primarily by insecticides and there is a demand for more sustainable controls. To develop a vibrational mating disruption method, the natural occurrence of a ‘disruptive signal’ was investigated. Further, the efficacy of natural and artificial ‘disruptive signals’ was determined.
With behavioral trials we described male rivalry and recorded a species‐specific disruptive signal (DP). The DP, a single pulse overlapping the competitor male call, interfered with the rival's ability to locate the female. Laboratory playback disruption trials revealed that the pair formation process was prevented by artificial disturbance noises that included the following features: E. vitis DP, Scaphoideus titanus disturbance noise, and a pure tone (250 Hz). Among these, the pure tone was most efficient at preventing mating.
Results support development of a vibrational mating disruption method as a control strategy for E. vitis. To simultaneously disrupt the mating of E. vitis and S. titanus, the possibility of applying the S. titanus disturbance noise combined with the pure tone is discussed. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry