In this note we explore the variation of Hodge structures associated to the orbifold Landau-Ginzburg B-model whose superpotential has two variables. We extend the Getzler-Gauss-Manin connection to Hochschild chains twisted by group action. As an application, we provide explicit computations for the Getzler-Gauss-Manin connection on the universal (noncommutative) unfolding of Z 2 -orbifolding of A-type singularities.The result verifies an example of deformed version of Mckay correspondence.surfaces, a theory known as Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten (FJRW) theory [7] for Landau-Ginzburg A-models. However, Saito's construction only involves 'un-orbifold' cases (A, W, G = 1 ), while the full mirror symmetry between Landau-Ginzburg models asks for all orbifold groups. This requires the construction and computation of Frobenius manifold structure on the aforementioned moduli space M. Barannikov [1,2] and introduced the important notion of (polarized) variation of semi-infinite Hodge structures (VSHS), generalizing Saito's framework to many other geometric contexts and non-commutative world [1,14]. Following this route, we shall consider the period cyclic homology of a deformed algebra of A W [G], with a Hodge filtration induced by the cyclic parameter u and the flat Gauss-Manin connection constructed by Getzler [10]. They give rise to a flat bundle over the moduli space M, carrying important data of Hodge filtration. In this note, we establish a version of the Getzler-Gauss-Manin connection via operations of G-twisted cochainsThis encodes the same information as the Getzler-Gauss-Manin connection on the deformation space of the algebra A [G], but is easier to compute in practice. As an application, we perform a case study for orbifold A-type singularity (A 2n−1 , Z 2 ). We find (see Theorem 4.1), Theorem. Consider an orbifold LG B-model (A, W, G) with A = C[x, y], W invertible and finite G ⊂ SL(2, C) acting diagonally on C 2 . The moduli space M of miniversal deformations of A W [G] is smooth, equipped with a variation of semi-infinite Hodge structures (VSHS) given by a flat vector bundle of period cyclic homologies. In this fashion, there is an isomorphism between the moduli spaces associated to (C[x, y], x 2n + y 2 , Z 2 ) and (C[z, w], z n + zw 2 , 1 ), which is compatible with the VSHS's on them.It can be seen as an example of Mckay correspondence for LG models [20], but involves the deformation data. Here, (C[x, y], x 2n + y 2 , Z 2 ) is associated to the A 2n−1singularity W = x 2n + y 2 on an orbifold X = C 2 /Z 2 and (C[z, w], z n + zw 2 , 1 ) isThere are three directions of generalizations of such a correspondence. One is for more general triples (A = O(X), W, G) as long as the crepant resolution of X/G exists and the lifting superpotential W has good Hodge theoretical properties (see [17] for a recent discussion on this model and references therein). The second is to establish the correspondence between VSHS's via crepant resolutions and related mirror symmetry. This involves a combination of LG/CY correspondence and ...