The structure of X-ray photoelectron spectra of actinide-containing (An = Th, U, Np, and Pu) murataite ceramic (Ti-Mn-Ca-An-Zr-Al-Fe-O) samples as potential matrices for immobilization of actinide radioactive waste was studied. The elemental composition of the sample surface was analyzed, and comparison with the calculated data for the bulk of the samples was made. The binding energies of the An4f electrons and the parameters of the fine structure of their X-ray photoelectron spectra were determined. These parameters were compared with the corresponding values for the dioxides.The environmentally safest way of high-level waste (HLW) isolation is their vitrification or ceramization followed by disposal in geological repositories. For HLW immobilization, it is suggested to use aluminum phosphate and borosilicate glasses [1]. Unfortunately, they crystallize with time, which leads to an increase in their solubility in water. To decrease the volume and enhance the reliability of HLW storage, it is appropriate to perform partitioning with the separation of actinide elements, which are the most long-lived and radiotoxic. Correspondingly, it is necessary to incorporate the actinide fraction into a special ceramic based on chemically stable and radiation-resistant phases. The development of stable matrices for actinide waste immobilization is an important scientific and practical problem. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to reveal phases with high capacity for actinides and other HLW components, to determine the oxidation state and coordination of radionuclide cations in them, and to analyze the stability of the structure of phases on the surface of the ceramic matrix [1].To understand processes that occur in matrices in storage, it is necessary to know the physicochemical forms (ionic composition, oxidation state of elements, structure of the nearest surrounding) of radionuclides in them. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPES) allows studying the chemical state of elements on the surface of ceramic matrices. Conclusions on the oxidation state of actinides can be made both from the binding energies of inner electrons and from the characteristics of the fine structure of their XPE spectra [2]. Previously we studied by XPES borosilicate glasses with U [3] and pyrochlore ceramics containing Се and Th [4]. In this study, we examined by this method the surface of a ceramic of the elemental composition TiMn-Ca-An-Zr-Al-Fe-O with the murataite structure, containing actinides (An = Th, U, Np, and Pu), with the aim to determine the oxidation state of actinides and changes in the elemental composition of the surface compared to the bulk. This is necessary for predicting the stability of such ceramic in prolonged storage.