A series of articles reporting temperature dependent H and D isotope effects on the rates of certain enzymatic H transfer reactions show there is quantum tunneling by the H in these systems [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Theoretical considerations [4,6,7] infer vibrations within the enzyme-substrate complex, especially within the enzyme protein, develop transient geometrical configurations fomenting the tunneling process. Details of the promoting vibrations are still speculative, but it seems clear they work through transient reshaping of the potential energy surface (PES) barrier region, its width, energy maximum, overall contour, to provide "gated" impetus to H tunneling and to product escape.Molecules hosting coherent H tunneling activity in the presence of complex vibrational structure are of immediate interest in the above context. They provide sharp data points probing specific vibrational couplings along the large amplitude tunneling coordinate, and they probe portions of the PES topography in detail. Studies on isotopomers and close chemical congeners provide clusters of data points reflecting systematic changes of the dynamical behavior. In this chapter research on the coherent tunneling properties of malonaldehyde, tropolone, and tropolone derivatives is surveyed. These are among the few currently known 10-15 atom molecules showing clear-cut spectral doublet structures signifying coherent tunneling properties. Interestingly, the equal double-minimum global PESs for these molecules, notably for S 0 tropolone, are also poised for demonstrations of tunneling activity by the heavy atoms. The presence of H tunneling in some enzymatic systems is newly recognized; tunneling processes by heavy atoms such as C, N, and O may also prove consequential. Zuev et al. [8] recently published low temperature rate data and theoretical-computational results showing the tunneling of C atom from a single quantum state during the ring expansion isomerization of 1-methycyclobutylfluorocarbene.