Alternative sets of multisoliton solutions of some integrable KdV type equations via direct methods AIP Conf.The present work studies structural properties of the recursion operator of the noncommutative KdV equation. As the main result, it is proved that this operator is hereditary. The notion of hereditary operators was introduced by Fuchssteiner for infinite-dimensional integrable systems, building on classical concepts from differential topology. As an illustration for the consequences of this property, it is deduced that the flows of the noncommutative KdV hierarchy mutually commute. C 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3656271]
I. INTRODUCTIONThe noncommutative Korteweg-de Vries equation (ncKdV) readswhere u = u(x, t) is a function with values in some (possibly noncommutative) Banach algebra A and {u, v} = uv + vu denotes the anticommutator. In the sequel we will consider (1) as an ordinary differential equationwhere u = u(t) is a point varying in an infinite-dimensional algebra F of A-valued functions depending on the space variable x ∈ R, and where K is the vector fieldOur main topic are the structural properties of the noncommutative KdV recursion operator KdV (u) = D 2 + 2A