Abstract. A regular semigroup S is called a pseudo-inverse semigroup if eSe is an inverse semigroup for each e = e1 G S. We show that every pseudo-inverse semigroup divides a semidirect product of a completely simple semigroup and a semilattice. We thereby give a structure theorem for pseudo-inverse semigroups in terms of groups, semilattices and morphisms. The structure theorem which is presented here generalizes several structure theorems which have been given for particular classes of pseudo-inverse semigroups by several authors, and thus contributes to a unification of the theory.Completely (0-) simple semigroups and inverse semigroups form the first prototypes for the study of pseudo-inverse semigroups. We therefore can say that the theory of regular semigroups began with the study of pseudo-inverse semigroups [40,45]. "We may distinguish four successful trends in the papers which since then have dealt with some wider classes of pseudo-inverse semigroups: 1. the subdirect products of completely 0-simple and completely simple semigroups, 2. the generalized inverse semigroups (orthodox pseudo-inverse semigroups, 3. the normal band compositions of inverse semigroups, and 4. Rees matrix semigroups over inverse semigroups (with zero).Subdirect products of completely 0-simple semigroups and completely simple semigroups were initiated in [13, Chapter 2] and studied in great detail in [18] (see also §4 of [14]); this class contains several interesting subclasses: (a) the trees of completely 0-simple semigroups [18] which include the primitive regular semigroups [7, Vol. II,16,39,44,46] Key words and phrases. Pseudo-inverse semigroup, proper inverse semigroup, rectangular band of inverse semigroups, pseudo-semilattice, semilattice, order automorphism.'The author's research was done while he was a visiting professor at the University of Nebraska, supported by a Fulbright-Hays Award. [8,10,49] which of course yield special inverse semigroups. The idea of a Rees matrix representation has been exploited and applied to produce numerous classes of sophisticated semigroups; we refer the reader to [17, 35, §4], for the peculiar pseudo-inverse semigroups which have a structure theorem of Rees type. The above considered classes of pseudo-inverse semigroups may overlap. However, so far no attempt has been made to establish a comprehensive classification.Independently from the above-mentioned cases several devices have been invented to build pseudo-inverse semigroups [1, Chapter 4, 2,19,25,47...]. Some recent papers concentrate on idempotent-generated nonprimitive pseudo-inverse semigroups [2,3, 4,15,24,34], and in [32] a countably infinite set of pairwise nonisomorphic bisimple nonprimitive pseudo-inverse semigroups with 3 idempotent generators has been constructed.The class of pseudo-inverse semigroups was introduced in [29 and 30] as an overall generalization of the specific classes listed above. The structure theorem for pseudo-inverse semigroups, which is given in [29], presupposes the knowledge of the biordered set, ...