Based on the fundamentals of expert system (ES) and decision support system (DSS), we developed an integrated system, the expert decision support system (EDSS), to design and optimize sandstone acidizing. The new system combines knowledge of the ES with DSS models to facilitate decision-making for qualitatively and quantitatively acidizing sandstone reservoirs; this approach greatly strengthens the system's working capability and widens its applicable range. This article introduces the design principle, system structure, functional modules, multi bases, and development process of the EDSS. We illustrate the representation method of the expert's knowledge, establishing the knowledge decision tree, and creating quantitative mathematic models for decision support and inference process via different reasonings (rule-based vs. case-based). These methods and methodologies worked together to operate different functional modules for inference from both knowledge and calculation. The EDSS connected different design considerations of the acidizing technology. A field test case study proved that the proposal provided by the EDSS was very efficient.