In this work we pay special attention in establishing the crucial role of the Casas-Ibarra (CI) parameterisation in presence of two different orthogonal matrices, $R = O e^{iA} and R = O e^A$ in order to investigate the role of Dirac CP violation in flavored leptogenesis. In the light of these two choices of the R matrix we examine the connection between the low energy and high energy CP violations along with certain interesting predictions on the low energy parameters namely, the lightest neutrino mass and the Dirac CP phase (δ). Considering the right handed neutrino (RHN) mass window to be 10^8 GeV, we show that Dirac phase leptogenesis is possible with the choices of these two orthogonal matrices. The above forms of R matrices allow us to choose a nearly degenerate spectrum for the RHN masses. The complex R matrix predicts a maximal Dirac CP violation (δ = π/2) for leptogenesis which, can be verified by the ongoing and upcoming searches for a precise δ measurement at the neutrino factories. We also discuss the phenomenological implications of these two case studies in the context of LFV considering the µ → eγ decay process, interms of an indirect probe of the R matrix parameter space. We report an upper bound on the lightest neutrino mass ($m_1$) of around 0.015 eV from the baryon asymmetry criteria for normal hierarchy of neutrino masses.