-The blink reflex latencies and cephalometric indexes were analysed in 30 male volunteers from three different races, 10 white, 10 black, and 10 Oriental. Ages ranged from 15 to 59 years, height from 1,60 to 1,80 m, and weight from 60 to 80 kg. Blink reflexes were obtained after unilateral electric stimulation of the supraorbital nerve for quantitative analysis of 3 responses, early ipsilateral (R1), late ipsilateral (R2i) and late contralateral (R2c), obtained from the orbicularis oculi muscle. Cephalometric indexes were calculated by multiplying the ratio between the longer transverse and the longer sagital head diameters by 100. The R1, R2i and R2c latencies were consistent with other published papers revealing no differences between the different racial groups. The mean of the cephalometric indexes of each group were consistent with respective racial characteristics. This study revealed that there are no differences between R1, R2i and R2c latencies in the 3 different studied races.KEY WORDS: blink reflex, races.Reflexo trigêmino-facial: comparação de medidas de latência em diferentes raças Reflexo trigêmino-facial: comparação de medidas de latência em diferentes raças Reflexo trigêmino-facial: comparação de medidas de latência em diferentes raças Reflexo trigêmino-facial: comparação de medidas de latência em diferentes raças Reflexo trigêmino-facial: comparação de medidas de latência em diferentes raças RESUMO -Latências do reflexo trigêmino-facial e índices cefalométricos foram analisados em 30 voluntários adultos normais, de 3 diferentes raças, sendo 10 brancos, 10 negros e 10 orientais. Idades variaram de 15 a 59 anos, alturas de 1,6 a 1,8 m e pesos de 60 a 80 kg. Os reflexos trigêmino-faciais foram obtidos por estimulação elétrica unilateral do nervo supra-orbital e captação nos músculos orbicularis oculi, para análise quantitativa de 3 respostas, ipsolateral precoce (R1), ipsolateral tardia (R2i) e contralateral tardia (R2c). Índices cefalométricos foram obtidos multiplicando-se por 100 a razão entre maior diâmetro transverso e maior diâmetro sagital do crânio. As médias dos índices cefalométricos de cada grupo foram compatíveis com as respectivas características raciais. As respostas R1, R2i e R2c não mostraram diferenças de latências estatisticamente significativas entre as 3 diferentes raças analisadas neste estudo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: reflexo trigêmino-facial, raças.The blink reflex is a very practical reproducible electrical response, that can be used in comparative clinical studies and experimental models [1][2][3] . At the beginning of XX th century, there was a dispute about the authorship of the original description of the blink reflex 4 . The first report of the eye closure response to forehead percussion was made by Overend, in 1896 6 . The same reflex, obtained in response to percussion of the lateral supra-orbital region was later described by McCarthy 7 , and is still referred to by his name 5 . The blink reflex physiology began to be better understood when Kugelberg performed the fi...