We consider the H ∞ problem for an onlinear s y stem. The corresponding d ynamic programming equation (DPE) is af ully nonlinear, first-order, steadystate partial differential equation (PDE), possessing aterm whichisquadratic in the gradient(for background, see [2], [4], [13], [25] among many notable others). The solutions are t y pically nonsmooth, and further, there are multiple viscosity solutions -t hat is, one does not even have uniqueness among the class of viscosity solutions (cf. [17]). Note that the nonuniqueness is not only due to an additivec onstant, but is much more difficult. If one removest he additiveconstantissue b y requiring the solution to be z ero at the origin, then, for example, the linear-quadratic case t y pically has twoclassical solutions and an infinite number of viscosity solutions [17]. Since the H ∞ problem is ad ifferential game, the PDE is, in general, aH amilton-Jacobi-Isaacs (HJI) PDE. The computation of the solution of an onlinear, steady -state, first-order PDE is t y pically quite difficult, and possibly even more so in the presence of the non-uniqueness mentioned above.S ome previous works in the general area of numerical methods for these problems are [3], [6], [7], [14], and the references therein.In recent y ears, an ew set of methods based on max-plus linearity have been developed for the H ∞ problem in the design case. In that problem class, afeedbackcontrol and disturbance attenuation parameter are chosen, and the associated PDE is solved to determine whether this is indeed an H ∞ controller with that disturbance attenuation level [18], [19], [21], [23]. Note that in that problem class, the PDE is aH amilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) PDE. Here, we address ac lass of activec ontrol H ∞ problems where the controller is able