For a countable ultrahomogeneous graph G = G, ρ let P(G) denote the collection of sets A ⊂ G such that A, ρ ∩ [A] 2 ∼ = G. The order types of maximal chains in the poset P(G) ∪ {∅}, ⊂ are characterized as:(I) the order types of compact sets of reals having the minimum nonisolated, if G is the Rado graph or the Henson graph H n , for some n ≥ 3;(II) the order types of compact nowhere dense sets of reals having the minimum non-isolated, if G is the union of µ disjoint complete graphs of size ν, where µν = ω. 2010 MSC: 05C63, 05C80, 05C60, 06A05, 06A06, 03C50, 03C15.