Abstract. We create a new family of Banach spaces, the James-Schreier spaces, by amalgamating two important classical Banach spaces: James' quasi-reflexive Banach space on the one hand and Schreier's Banach space giving a counterexample to the Banach-Saks property on the other. We then investigate the properties of these James-Schreier spaces, paying particular attention to how key properties of their 'ancestors' (that is, the James space and the Schreier space) are expressed in them. Our main results include that each James-Schreier space is c0-saturated and that no James-Schreier space embeds in a Banach space with an unconditional basis.1. Introduction. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new family of Banach spaces which we call the James-Schreier spaces because they arise by amalgamating the definitions of the quasi-reflexive James spaces with the Schreier space. The original motivation behind these spaces was to produce a new example of a Banach sequence algebra with a bounded approximate identity, in analogy with Andrew and Green's study of the James space as a Banach algebra [3]. This idea turned out to be successful, as essentially all results about the James space as a Banach algebra carry over to our new spaces; see [9] for details.Having thus reached our initial goal, we soon realized that a serious problem was lurking in the background, namely: how can we distinguish the James-Schreier spaces from the James spaces? Obviously, if they were isomorphic, our findings would be of no interest. In order to resolve this problem, we turned to Banach-space properties and, as we shall see, at that level differences abound; this is the main theme of the present paper.