Abstract-In CSL-LICS 2014, Accattoli and Dal Lago [1]showed that there is an implementation of the ordinary (i.e. strong, pure, call-by-name) λ-calculus into models like RAM machines which is polynomial in the number of β-steps, answering a long-standing question. The key ingredient was the use of a calculus with useful sharing, a new notion whose complexity was shown to be polynomial, but whose implementation was not explored. This paper, meant to be complementary, studies useful sharing in a call-by-value scenario and from a practical point of view. We introduce the Fireball Calculus, a natural extension of call-by-value to open terms, that is an intermediary step towards the strong case, and we present three results. First, we adapt and refine useful sharing, refining the metatheory. Then, we introduce the GLAMoUr a simple abstract machine implementing the Fireball Calculus extended with useful sharing. Its key feature is that usefulness of a step is testedsurprisingly-in constant time. Third, we provide a further optimisation that leads to an implementation having only a linear overhead with respect to the number of β-steps.