Keywords: sedentarism, lipidic profi le, levels of force.
ABSTRACT: Introduction:The best forms of exercising, in order to promote benefi cial alterations in the lipidic profi le, still constitute a challenge to every scientifi c community. In front of that, the objective of this study was to correlate the lipidic profi le with the level of the muscular force in sedentary adults. Materials and Methods: The sample was constituted by a group of 36 military volunteers (20 men and 16 women), with age between 20 and 46 years. The serum levels of lipids were dosed. The protocols used for the cholesterol dosages (CT), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglycerides (TG), were the automatic enzymatic techniques. The low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were calculated by the equation of Friedewald. For the evaluation of the levels of force the test used 8 to 10 maximum repetitions in the Leg Press exercise. The statistical treatment was composed by descriptive analysis, analysis of the test of normality of Shapiro-Wilk, being opted for the statistical procedure of correlation of Spearman to verify the possible associations of the levels of the muscular force with the component of the lipidic profi le variables. Results: The triglycerides, HDL, VLDL and RM variables presented a coeffi cient variation above 25%. It was found a positive correlation between the test of maximum repetition and the triglycerides (r=0.388; p=0.02<0.05). Discussion: It is presupposed that the physical activity provides benefi ts to the health, combating the obesity and provoking favorable alterations to the lipidic profi le, as increase of HDL and decrease of the cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides. [16][17][18][19] Chalfun MBM, Vale RGS, Fortes MSR. Lipid profi le of sedentary adults in function of the level of muscular force. Fit Perf J. 2008;7(1):16-9.