A subset $X$ of a finite group $G$ is a set of pairwise noncommuting elements if $xy\neq yx$ for all $x\neq y\in X$. If $|X|\geq |Y|$ for any other subset $Y$ of pairwise noncommuting elements, then $X$ is called a maximal subset of pairwise noncommuting elements and the size of such a set is denoted by ${\it\omega}(G)$. In a recent article by Azad et al. [‘Maximal subsets of pairwise noncommuting elements of some finite $p$-groups’, Bull. Iran. Math. Soc.39(1) (2013), 187–192], the value of ${\it\omega}(G)$ is computed for certain $p$-groups $G$. In the present paper, our aim is to generalise these results and find ${\it\omega}(G)$ for some more $p$-groups of interest.