Enumerations of combinatorial types (i.e., L-types) of five-dimensional primitive lattices was performed in [6] and [3]. But both results differ in one L-type. We show explicitly the L-type missed in [6]. In 1976, Ryshkov and Baranovskii published the paper [6], where a list of 221 L-types of primitive five-dimensional (5D) lattices was given. Recently, the first author of this paper using a computer repeated the enumeration of 5D primitive parallelohedra. The result is given in [3]. But he obtained 222 combinatorial types. In this paper, we compare the results of both these papers and give explicitly the L-type missed in [6].The lists of L-types are contained in Table III of [6] and Table 1 of [3]. Unfortunately, the direct comparison of these tables is not possible, since the parameters used for describing L-types in the tables are distinct.The paper [6] describes an L-type by a symbol (corresponding to a C-type) and by a set of repartition pairs of indices of the set I 5 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} (indicating an L-type domain inside the C-type domain).For the Voronoi polytope P V of each combinatorial type, the paper [3] gives numbers N i of its i-faces, 0 ≤ i ≤ 4, and subordination indices (indicating how much (k − 1)-faces are contained in a k-face). In addition, Table 1 Every L-type symbol γ of [6] describes completely the corresponding L-type domain D(γ ). Theoretically, using the symbol γ , one can write out explicitly the system of inequalities describing the domain D(γ ) and find a representative form f ∈ D(γ ) and its Gram matrix. Then, applying the algorithm of [3] to the Gram matrix, one can determine the corresponding combinatorial type from Table 1 of [3]. But this is a huge amount of work. Hence we proceed in another way.It turns out that it is not difficult to find the parameters p and q of a given L-type using the symbol of the L-type from [6]. In particular, the parameter q of a lattice is equal also to the number of its laminar hyperplanes. This is so, since there is a one-to-one correspondence between closed zones of the Voronoi polytope P V and laminar hyperplanes of the corresponding lattice (see, for example, [2]).All Voronoi polytopes of an n-dimensional lattice L form the Voronoi partition of R n . The dual to the Voronoi partition is the Delaunay partition consisting of Delaunay polytopes. Let the origin (that we suppose to be a point of L) be a vertex of a Delaunay polytope P D of the Delaunay partition. Let F be a facet of P D and H be the hyperplane supporting F. The intersection of H with the Delaunay partition related to L is the Delaunay partition of H related to the lattice L ∩ H . Each Delaunay polytope of L ∩ H is the intersection of H with a Delaunay polytope of L. The hyperplane H is called lamina or laminar hyperplane if each Delaunay polytope of the sublattice L ∩ H is a facet of a Delaunay polytope of L.Proposition 14.2 of [6] describes how to find all q laminar hyperplanes of a lattice of a given L-type using the symbol of the L-type. Inspection of all symbols shows that q ≥ 10 f...