A left-right symmetric model with two Higgs bi-doublet is shown to be a consistent model for both spontaneous P and CP violation. The flavor changing neutral currents can be suppressed by the mechanism of approximate global U(1) family symmetry. The constraints from neural K meson mass difference Δm K are calculated and it is demonstrated that a right-handed gauge boson W 2 contribution in box-diagrams with mass well below 1 TeV is allowed due to a cancelation caused by a light-charged Higgs boson with a mass range of 150-300 GeV. The W 2 contribution to ε K can be suppressed from an appropriate choice of additional CP phases appearing in the right-handed Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. The model is also found to be fully consistent with B 0 mass difference Δm B and the mixing induced CP violation sin2β J/ψ , which is usually difficult for the model with only one Higgs bi-doublet. The new physics beyond the standard model can be directly searched at the colliders LHC and ILC.
left-right symmetry, spontaneous P and CP violation, two Higgs bi-doublets, new physicsSince the discovery of parity (P) violation fifty years ago [1,2] , it has been realized that both symmetry and asymmetry play important roles in particle physics. Later on, charge-conjugation-parity (CP) violation was also discovered in kaon decays [3] . The electroweak standard model was established based on the left-handed symmetry SU(2) L and has been well described by the gauge symmetry SU(2) L ×U(1) Y [4][5][6] . Since then, one of the important issues in particle physics has been concerned with the origin of P and CP violations, as well as the smallness of flavor changing neutral currents (FCNCs). Its solution requires physics beyond the standard model.The investigation of explicit CP violation in the standard model led to the prediction for the existence of three generation quarks, so that a single Kobayashi-Maskawa CP phase [7] can be introduced to characterize the CP-violating mechanism in the standard model. Such a simple