“…-On the traditions incumbent to the emperor, his conduct in the state problems, and in relation with the rebuilding of the military bath from Krefeld-Gellep-Gelduba (Germania Inferior) by Postumus (restoring completed in 269), it was expressed in a opportune manner the idea according to which: "Auch ein Usurpator mußste sich, sobald er nicht nur eine kurze Zeitspanne herrschte, nach den Normen richten, die vom Kaiser forderten, der Wohltäter seiner Untertanen zu Sein": ECK 2004, 149. -Besides, the label of "soldieremperors" is improper in itself for a series of legitimate emperors of the period (Gordianus III, Phillipus Arabs, Philippus Jr., Traianus Decius, Trebonianus Gallus, Valerianus, Gallienus): STROBEL 1993, 295-296;see in this context also JOHNE 2006. -DRINKWATER 2005 as the the arch of time în discussion 7 , the province of Dacia as official entity (abandoned between 271-275), saw the most part, faithfully registering at the metamorphoses of this period, until the time of Gallienus as sole emperor.…”