efficiencies (PCEs) up to 18.2% [7][8][9] were achieved. This progress in the field of OPVs is intricately linked to the correct assessment of material and device para meters and to efforts towards deconvoluting the electronic processes and the contributions of different loss mechanisms. [10,11] Under short-circuit conditions, the interplay of exciton photogeneration in the active layer, geminate and non-geminate recombination processes, and free charge carrier extraction define the measured electron flux (photocurrent). [12][13][14][15][16] The complexity of the photoelectronic processes complicates the analysis, and advanced techniques are frequently applied to characterize a single aspect. [17][18][19][20] For example, impedance spectroscopy is commonly used to gauge the losses due to non-geminate recombination, and time-delayed collection field is employed to investigate geminate recombination losses. [17][18][19][20] In this work, we propose a comprehensive technique that allows the quantification of geminate recombination and the determination of the mobility-lifetime product (µτ). We couple optical transfer matrix method-based simulations with simple experimental methods (JV characteristics, external quantum efficiency (EQE)) that are readily available in most laboratories. The geminate recombination losses are quantified by a geminate recombination prefactor (P g ), which is a material parameter of the active layer's donor/acceptor blend. P g describes the fraction of excitons splitting into free electrons and holes; thus, P g approaching unity is desirable for efficient OPVs. [21] We determine P g from experimental current-voltage characteristics combined with optical simulations.Next, we propose a new approach to obtain the µτ based on the measurement of the EQE, the previously determined P g , and the simulation of the EQE. The effective mobility, µ, defines a charge carrier's drift velocity, v d , in a given electric field, E, and the effective lifetime, τ, describes the time between the generation of a free charge carrier and its subsequent annihilation via recombination. Thus, µτ as a single integrated parameter includes both charge transport and non-geminate recombination features. [22] Efforts to provide accessible means to determine the µτ product are reported in the OPV community only rarely, and, if so, they are based on substantial simplifications, and the results are not juxtaposed with those obtained by any independent method. [23] Since µτ determines the distance that a photogenerated charge carrier travels in the active layer before it recombines, we can quantify the extraction efficiency η under short-circuit conditions. [24][25][26] The short-circuit current (J sc ) of organic solar cells is defined by the interplay of exciton photogeneration in the active layer, geminate and non-geminate recombination losses and free charge carrier extraction. The method proposed in this work allows the quantification of geminate recombination and the determination of the mobility-lifetime product (µτ) ...