Four different film thicknesses of np-Au were sputtered using Lesker Labline Sputter System. For each of the sets, piranha-cleaned glass coverslips were sputter-coated with 160 nm-thick Cr layer to serve as an adhesive layer between the glass substrate and 80 nm-thick seed layer of Au. Ag and Au were co-sputtered on top of the Au-seed layer to obtain 36% Au and 64% Ag (atomic %) alloy 1. Alloy co-sputtering time was varied to allow for fabrication of varying film thicknesses (t = 5, 10, 20 and 30 min). All metal depositions were performed in argon ambient at a pressure of 10 mTorr without breaking the vacuum between deposition of different metal layers. To obtain unannealed np-Au morphology, the alloy samples were dealloyed in 70% nitric acid at 55 °C for 15 min, followed by copious rinsing under deionized water (DI) water stream. This process is a chemical corrosion process, in which nitric acid dissolves less noble metal (Ag) from the AuAg alloy as gold atoms go under surface diffusion to assemble the bi-continuous porous structure with interconnected nanochannels. To obtain coarser, yet self-similar morphologies, thermal annealing was used. Final product of the fabrication process were 8 sets of varying properties thin films (4 thicknesses and 2 morphologiesunannealed and annealed np-Au).