Abstract. We have estimated the Chandler frequency from a variety of polar motion time series derived from optical and space geodetic data which span various time periods from 1846 through the early 1990s. Estimates of F vary, depending upon which time series is employed, but the variation is not significant when associated intervals of confidence are considered; thus there is no evidence that the true Chandler frequency has varied. Using a maximum likelihood method, our preferred estimate of F is 0.8433 cycles per tropical year (cpy), _+0.003 cpy, or equivalently a period of 433.1 mean solar days (msd), _+ 1.7 msd. Estimates are given on the condition that the Gaussian statistical model of the excitation process is valid, and new approaches which employ observations of the polar motion excitation process should eventually provide better estimates, which may differ from those determined here.
IntroductionThe theory of the motion of the Earth around its center of mass is developed in such a way that the motion is separated into two distinct parts which affect the terrestrial and celestial coordinates in different ways. The first of these is a free motion, which exists independently of external forces. Originally There are two issues to resolve when examining whether variability in estimates of F should be interpreted as variability in F. In the first place, the analysis is only meaningful when the component is above the noise level in the data. This condition is met in the case of the Chandler wobble, with a signal amplitude of a few hundred milli arc seconds (mas) and noise levels ranging from 10 mas or more in older optical data to below 1 mas in recent space geodetic data. The second issue is the adoption of an estimation technique firmly tied to the physical aspects of the problem that can provide meaningful statements of confidence, taking into consideration uncertainty introduced by both noise and the finite duration of the data set. The analysis method in this paper, based on the maximum likelihood principle described by Jeffreys [1940, 1968], meets these requirements, as discussed in section 3.