To cite this version:Christian Soize. Stochastic modeling of uncertainties in computational structural dynamics -Recent theoretical advances. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier, 2013, 332 (10)
AbstractThis paper deals with a short overview on stochastic modeling of uncertainties. We introduce the types of uncertainties, the variability of real systems, the types of probabilistic approaches, the representations for the stochastic models of uncertainties, the construction of the stochastic models using the maximum entropy principle, the propagation of uncertainties, the methods to solve the stochastic dynamical equations, the identification of the prior and the posterior stochastic models, the robust updating of the computational models and the robust design with uncertain computational models. We present recent theoretical advances in this field concerning the parametric and the nonparametric probabilistic approaches of uncertainties in computational structural dynamics for the construction of the prior stochastic models of both the uncertainties on the computational model parameters and on the modeling uncertainties, and for their identification with experimental data. We also present the construction of the posterior stochastic model of uncertainties using the Bayesian method when experimental data are available.